– Port Street Pop Ups present Fish& / Thursday 4th April 2013 – 5pm
Fish& are bringing their unique sustainable seafood streetfood kitchen to Port Street Beer House on Thursday April 4th for the first in a series of regular pop ups, this particular one is part of our Festival of Britain(s Beers).
Forging a reputation for their twisted Fish& chips, flavours like lemon, lime& chilli, sea salt & cracked black pepper and massala spiced batters, Fish& have taken this classic part of British food and cultural heritage and given it the kick up the arse it needs to bring it into the 21st century.
There is also talk of a special PSBH Festival batter using one of the festival beers, if thats not enough there’s also talk of some very new ‘beach burgers’ appearing on the menu . . . . .
Described by on reviewer as “like a bizarre dream, restaurant quality food from a beach hut set up on a pedestrian precinct in the middle of this northern city!”
Follow fish& on twitter for more news @NoFishyBusiness