– Meet The Brewer with Weird Beard / Monday 24th February 2014
doors 5.30pm (events starts at 6.15pm)
Weird Beard Brew Co is another very welcome relatively recent addition to the brewing scene. Gregg and Bryan, the brewers behind the beard are award winning home brewers who after some trials and tribulation started brewing commercially about a year ago. We at PSBH have been keen on them from the start and they’ve only got better!
Their interesting and flavoursome takes on traditional styles are a delightful sup regardless, but as anyone who attended IMBC and had a chance to chat with them will attest to they’re also rather pleasant folk. Ideal Meet the Brewer candidates you say? We concur! Please join us on February 24th to see what these eccentric, hirsute chaps have to say for themselves and more importantly what fabulous beers they’ve chosen to talk for them.