– Meet The Brewer with Roosters Brewery / Monday 20th August 2012
£8 advance / available from the bar or (0)161 237 9949
Monday 20th August 2012 / 5.30pm – 8pm (event starts at 6.15pm prompt)
Hatched in 1993, at a time when most ales on the market were brown, Rooster’s Brewing Co. fast developed a reputation for brewing ground-breaking, hop-forward pale ales that showcase exciting new hops from the USA. Beers such as Yankee™ soon started to attract the attention of judges at beer festivals across the UK, racking up countless awards along the way.
Fast forward nearly twenty years and Roosters are still crazy about hops and the flavours they impart on beer – their hop store is crammed full of varieties from all over the world, from Australia and New Zealand to Slovenia and North America. But that’s not to say they don’t enjoy playing around with other flavours and styles of beer along the way.
Over the years the awards have kept coming, but on a slightly larger scale, with both YPA™ and Leghorn picking up gold medals at the prestigious World Beer Cup in recent times. It’s their continued aim to produce the highest quality, clean-drinking beers possible, whilst also continuing to experiment and innovate, as new beer styles evolve and customer curiosity grows.