– Meet The Brewer with Mad Hatter / Monday 29th July 2013
5.30pm – 8pm (event starts at 6.15pm prompt)
Mad Hatter is the brand new and rather exciting brewery of Gareth Matthews a veteran home brewer of 20 years who finally saw the light and fled academia to start a microbrewery in Liverpool. His brand new and rather dinky brewery on average produces approximately 7 casks a week. Be assured that what his beers lack in quantity they make up for in quality with his favoured styles being those of the massively hopped persuasion or big stouts and porters. Port Street has had the excellent fortune of being the first to have his beer on draught this week we have his IPA (on at the moment and going very fast!), Mild, ESB and Rye Amber and look forwards to getting his beers on keg and in bottles too soon.
Gareth produces and plans to produce a wide range of beers with a number brewed with some exciting ingredients. Some that we at Port Street are looking forwards to are his ‘Imperial Porter’-the staff have already tried this and it’s a doozy, ‘Rhubarb and Rosehip Wit’-a refreshing and rather tart wit, ‘Gooseberry Fool’-a sour gooseberry beer, and ‘Minimal Difference’-black IPA with Cascade, Centennial and Columbus. But there are many more and Gareth has big plans regarding the sour side of life-fabulous stuff! In his own words “In terms of beer, I am glad to be around in a time when many brewers are making inroads into the world of experimental, thoughtful, truly artisanal techniques that refuse to conform to rigid style guidelines.” This is an apt description of both Gareth’s outlook and the kind of beers we can look forwards to getting from him.
For more information, head over here – www.madhatbrew.co.uk / @MadHatBrew
Artwork by Emily Warren – www.thestealthyrabbit.blogspot.co.uk