– Event / Euro-tober-fest 2011
Monday 26th September – Sunday 23rd October 2011
Common and Port Street Beer House, Manchester
Sick of the American take over we are currently experiencing we present to you a multi venue love in. Celebrating all things European, both Common and Port Street Beer House will be taking in wonderful beers from: Denmark, Norway, Belgium, England, Germany, Holland and not forgetting Scotland.
We don’t want to name too many products as hopefully the breweries involved will do the talking for us. Common will be serving some foody euro specials and Port Street will be sourcing some very fine brews.
This will be lasting one whole month as we have so many beers to showcase, there will also be some cross over into the Manchester Food and Drink Festival, make sure you have voted for PSBH in the best bar and best newcomer. Also vote with your feet and have some euro fun with us.
Euro-tober-fest incorporates the following events :
/ Red Willow ‘Meet the Brewer’ on Monday 26th September at PSBH
our third instalment of ever popular meet the brewer events with Toby Mckenzie from Macclesfield – £8 advance only 50 places – more info here
/ Meikkeller tasting event on Monday 10th October at PSBH
tasting all 19 Meikeller beers – £15 advance only 25 places
– more info here
/ Common, Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HW
/ Port Street Beer House, Port Street, Manchester, M1 2EQ