– Event / AB:07 Launch – Wednesday 5th October – It’s Back On!
Here at Port Street Beer House at 7pm on the 5th October something of the unseen is happening. With only one other bar outside of the Aberdeenshire HQ, we are going to be sharing a very exclusive beer, this is going to be as rare as a nun in a bikini.
Josie from BrewDog is smuggling an unreleased concoction across the Scottish borders especially for us! It will be the launch of AB:07. It’s a whisky cask aged imperial Scotch ale brewed with lager yeast, heather honey and Islay whisky malt and at 12.5%. We only have one 20 litre keg so be quick because when it’s gone, it’s gone. The launch is open to all, it’s a non-ticketed event and beer will only be available for purchase.
Update – Thursday 29th Sept
Ah man. Just had an email from Brewdog saying that our keg of AB:07 has been exported. Boo.
We are still getting it in bottles though for those of you who want to try it and rumour has it we are getting a keg of Hops Kill Nazis as replacement so still reason enough to come on down.
Sorry to disappoint folks.
Another update! Monday 3rd Oct
Hooray! Brewdog have had a change of heart and decided to let us have the AB:07! The power of twitter perhaps? It has arrived today so the Wednesday launch is back on! It’ll be available from 7pm when Josie will be here to introduce it and answer any questions. Hope to see you there!