– An Evening with Founders / Wednesday 14th May
6pm (upstairs in the saloon)
£20 advance from the bar or give us a call on 0161 237 9949
Joining us for the evening will be Founders very own Mike Stevens (co-Founder) and John Green (President). We will be sampling five beers in the comfort of our upstairs saloon, places are limited to 40, so grab your ticket now!
Mike Stevens and Dave Engbers both had steady jobs when they decided to chase their dreams and open a brewery – which meant quitting their jobs and taking out huge loans. They figured if you’re going to live life, you ought to live it hard and without regrets.
Founders are a group of passionate beer enthusiasts, a brewery which has grown around a simple philosophy: “We don’t brew beer for the masses. Instead, our beers are crafted for a chosen few, a small cadre of renegades and rebels who enjoy a beer that pushes the limits of what is commonly accepted as taste. In short, we make beer for people like us.”
Founders Brewing: The Story from Founders Brewing Co. on Vimeo.