– American Beer Festival 2012 / 25th June until 8th July 2012
Well it’s that time of year when we celebrate the ‘special relationship’ with them folks across the pond. We may hate the politics, but we love the beery goodness! Starting on 25th June the celebration kicks off with our first all keg ‘Meet The Brewer’ with Camden Brewery. Yes, I know some purists will not agree but we think it’s going to be great, five of our draft lines being taken over by some fine craft English beer.
American theme you say? Camden Town? “Wait a minute surely they’re from big London” I hear you cry. This we concede, however Camden clearly adhere to the US Craft model, taking classic European styles and giving them a shot in the arm. On top of that they operate a keg only policy coupled with fantastic branding, in the end their beers are awesome so that’s reason enough to have them prop up the bar.
This event will be the first of the festival which will be incorporating some of the most exciting beer we have ever had. The second event will be an all day celebration on 4th of July (more info to follow in the next couple of weeks).
If you thought last year was good, and so did we, think again. We are going to top that, big time and here’s why:
Draft from:
Jolly Pumpkin
Southern Tier
Perfect Crime
Hoppin Frog
Anderson Valley
Sierra Nevada
Flying Dog
Left Hand
Bottles from:
Hoppin Frog
Southern Tier
Green Flash
Perfect Crime
& the usual American greats.
* Artwork by Steve Hockett – www.wonder-room.eu