– Up and Coming / Pressure Drop Brewery
Pressure Drop Brewing started in a garden shed in Stoke Newington London in the summer of 2012. Inspired by the variety and full flavours of beers being produced by The Kernel, Darkstar, Redemption and more widely the US beer scene, Pressure Drop began developing their own beers on a 50 litre braumeister brew kit in July. The first few brews didn’t make the cut, but after a few month tinkering the beers began to improve. Armed with some encouraging feedback from the London beer geek population, they moved to a small unit down the road registering as a commercial brewery in November 2012.
Since then the beers have been sold in a variety of craft beer pubs, esteemed off-licences and at farmers markets. The majority of the beers are bottled, but special requests for cask events have also been successful. As the demand for their beers have grown, the little 50 litre brewery has been unable to keep up with demand and they decided to take the plunge and invest in a five brewers barrel brew system which is currently being installed in a railway arch in Hackney.
Pressure Drop are excited to be part of the London craft beer revolution and the lovely sense of community, comeraderie and mutual respect between the progressive London brewers. These guys love drinking Kernel, Beavertown, Partizan, Howling Hops and Five Points.
We are hugely honoured to have Pressure Drop beers at the Port Street Beer house and we hope they go down well with our customers! Exciting times ahead!