– Kent and Beyond – Caveman, By The Horns and Foundry / by Euan Summers
Kent? What do you think of when you think of Kent? Clark Kent? That’s what I think of, only because I have no frame of reference for anything in the real world. But if you love beer you might think of the WORLD FAMOUS hop variety East Kent Golding.
This week you might also think of something else. Over the course of the next week or so we are going to be having a large amount of beers that are all from the Kent region! The good folks over at Caveman Brewery have organised a mixed bag of local beverages that, on paper sound good and in a glass taste fantastic (Don’t try to drink out of paper, it’s difficult to not make a mess and the beer loses a lot of aroma).
Beers from Caveman themselves including Palaeolithic and their Prehistoric Amber. Based out of the George and Dragon in Swanscombe, Caveman Brewery is brand new on the scene, starting earlier this year with a few cavemen employed for heavy lifting and regular men for handling hops and sterilizing where the cavemen leave their musty trace, we hope and expect big things for these guys!
Foundry, or Canterbury Brewers, have sent along some interesting stuff including a Belgian IPA in cask called Galactic. Based out of a Pub in Canterbury, Foundry are fantastic at simple stuff made well and complex stuff made amazing.
Kent Brewery, whom you might have seen around the north before have sent a few treats including a cask black IPA named Enigma and Beyond the Pale, an EXTREME PALE ALE!
And lastly, By The Horns Brewery. Not quite from Kent, but down south is all the same in my brain (my sweet ignorant brain) By the Horns are from London and proud of it. Beers such as Diamond Geezer, a double red ale, and Lambeth Walk, A Dark Porter.
So much good stuff, are you excited? I’m pretty excited. Although I’ve known about this for a while, I guess that’s why I’m not all like “Oh my god! You just blew the sweet ignorant brains right outta my head! Woaaaaah” but you are right? Right?!
Words by Euan Summers