– Meet The Brewer with Burning Sky / Monday 27th January 2014
5.30pm doors – event starts at 6.15pm
Our first Meet the Brewer of 2014 is a pretty good way to start the year. Burning Sky was formed in the autumn of 2013 by a well-known face on the UK brewing scene, Mark Tranter, who earlier in the year left the mighty Dark Star brewery that he co-founded, under the Evening Star pub in Brighton, in 1996.
His reason for leaving? He essentially wanted to ‘do something smaller’. From this humble thought, an old stable on the country estate of Firle upon which Mark also lives were secured and in late September, the first brews were being produced.
And what brews they are. We’re all aware that Mark knows a thing or two when it comes to brewing, but even the seasoned pros here at Port Street were blown away by the quality of beers that Mark and Tom (Dobson, home brewer extraordinaire) are already putting out. The Saison à la Provision, as I’ve told anyone who’ll listen, is simply one of the best saisons I’ve ever drank. They brew two pale ales, the 3.5% Plateau, whose huge hop flavour belies its low strength and Aurora, a stronger brew at 5.6% which is stunningly bitter and absolutely delicious. The ‘biggest’ beer is Devils Rest, a beautifully balanced full strength IPA at 7%. Seasonal 4.5% saisons will also be released. We’ve already had the Automne, with rosehips, and hope to get the L’Hiver, infused with Hawthorn leaves and berries. Add to all of these some cunning use of barrel aging, and you have one of the most exciting breweries in the country.
It’s going to be ace. We can’t wait.
Words by Jamie Hancock (@Not_that_Jamie)