– A Port Street Brew Day Outing / 2nd Anniversary Beer
What a busy time of year! Christmas is just days away, as is the New Year, and that also means that Port Street is nearly two years old. Yes, that’s right, our second anniversary is fast approaching on January 24th. Without giving too much away, a few of the staff went on a brew day yesterday at Outstanding Brewing in Bury — we won’t tell you what we brewed, because of course we hope you’ll come to try it and celebrate with us in January!
Here is a bit of photographic evidence from the day for you viewing pleasure, and feel free to try and guess what went into the brew. Thanks to the gents at Outstanding for having us, looking forward to tasting the results.
(Words and photos by Claudia Asch)
End of year review / Best Beers of 2012 – a collective poll | Port Street Beer House | Northern Quarter beer house, pub, drinking hole says
3.48 pm
03 January 2013
[…] 2012, how was it for you? It seemed to be a pretty good year at Port Street Beer House, couldn’t of asked for a better twelves months. We began with our first anniversary, making an exciting beer with Summer Wine Brewery, Red Willow, Quantum, Magic Rock and Darkstar, it was inventively called ‘Anniversary – Saison DuPort’. We are led to believe there are some rare bottles of this to be brought out on our 2nd Anniversary! Talking of which we are making a brand new beer for our 2nd birthday, you can read more about that here. […]