– Pühaste Tap Takeover | 16th August 2018
Thursday 16th August 2018
Free Entry
Port Street Beer House
Estonian brewery Pühaste join us for the very first time at Port Street. Originally having cuckoo brewed at their friends Põjhala from 2014, Pühaste opened up their own brewery in 2016 and have been making waves ever since.
Beer list coming soon…

– Vibrant Forest Tap Takeover 9th August 2018
Thursday 9th August 2018
Port Street Beer House
We are excited to welcome Vibrant Forest to Port Street for their tap takeover debut.
Vibrant Forest are a small microbrewery nestled on the edge of the New Forest National Park, Lymington. Their passion is to brew beers full of exceptional flavour. Every style and every beer they create is designed to bring forth a grand adventure in flavour. Whether it be from cask, keg or bottle, they want their beers to excite the palate and stimulate the taste buds. I’ll drink to that!
Vibrant Forest’s beers are unfined and vegan friendly.
Line up…
Summerlands | 3.5% Session IPA
Black Forest | 4.9% Porter
Metropolis | 6% Black IPA
Summit | 5% Single Hop Pale
Citra | 5% Single Hop Pale
Kaleidoscope | 6.5% West Coast IPA
Pupa | 4.5% New England Pale
Gyroscope | 8.5% DIPA
Viridis | 7.3% Raspberry & Rhubarb Sour
Kick-Start | 5.7% Oat & Coffee Stout
Black Oktober | 9% Imperial Stout
Facebook event page HERE.

– World Cup LIVE!
That’s right! We are showing every game of the 2018 World Cup LIVE upstairs on our big telly. Imagine you sat there in relaxed confines supping on a great beer. It’s too beautiful.

– Boundary Tap Takeover + Jerk Shack pop-up
Thursday 26th April 2018 / Midday-Midnight
+ JERK SHACK pop-up
Port Street Beer House
Free entry
We are joyed to welcome Boundary to Port Street for a tap takeover at the end of April. Line-up coming soon. Bob down and enjoy some fresh Boundary beers from Midday.
From 5pm we will be joined by Manchester food favourites, Jerk Shack. Jerk Shack dish up fine, fine Caribbean food from their home on Church Street. We are MUCH excited for them to jaunt across town and set up shop in the pub for one night only.
Boundary are “a Cooperative Brewery in Belfast owned and run by our members. Opening our doors in 2014, we are the first brewery in NI to bring together modern US styles with the more traditional Belgian/French style beers.”