– Signs and Beer Fonts
Just a quick one to introduce you to our lovely new signs which went up this week and also the MEGA fonts. These were coming all the way from Italy, so are pretty darn special. They have been running a little behind schedule but now they’re here and we’ve seen this size of them we understand why they couldn’t just be posted. A tad bigger than expected but all the more amazing for it.
– New Beers Week Two
This week we’ve invested in a power washer and cleaned up the yard, we’re halfway through building the biggest, strongest set of shelves you ever seen (to organise the bottles!) and we went on our first beer collection outing.
Kernel Brewery is located near Borough Market in Central London. Run by a lovely guy called Evin, this new brewery is one to watch. We were given a little tour of the wonderful warehouse in which they brew. The space is shared by beer makers, a company who import cheese and cold meats (www.thehamandcheeseco.co.uk) and a guy who makes his own cheese. My absolute perfect warehouse. We’re hoping to meet up with Evin again before too long so we’ll keep you posted. We also paid a visit to Cask Pub & Kitchen in SW1, a well developed beer house with an enviable beer selection. On the way back we squeezed in a visit to St John Bread & Wine, restaurant/bakery/wine merchant from Ferguson Henderson, aka the offal guy. My word, that was some tasty food. For not much more than you’d spend in Pizza Express we tried an array of amazing dishes, thoroughly recommended if you’re ever in that London. Plus, we saw Terry Gilliam in there, good celebrity spot or what.
Whilst on the food theme, Port Street Beer House has branched out. We now serve a selection of nuts and pub snacks. Peanuts (dry roasted and salted), bombay mix, pretzels, mixed nuts and roasted broad beans, all scooped out of a jar and into a tapas dish, just for you and just for a pound. Can’t say fairer than that.
Back to the beer… New bottles this week include Brooklyn Local One and Two, Harviestoun from the wonderfully named Scottish town of Clackmannanshire, the Belgian Duchesse de Bourgogne and of course a selection of six different Kernel beers.
Keep tasting people.